Thursday, September 4, 2008

If I Were a Disney Character

I had a difficult time deciding what Disney character I relate most to. I saw aspects of myself in a few different characters such as Princess Jasmine, the Chesire Cat and Cinderella. I likethe Chesire Cat from Alice in Wonderland and I feel like I am a very laid back type of person, like said cat. I also thought of Cinderella because I do not quite get along with my roommate and I like to think of her as an evil step-sister. Ultimatly, I decided I related the most to Princess Jasmine, because I do not feel the Cat has as many dimensions and I thought comparing myself to Cinderella simply because of a roommate situation was too shallow.
Princess Jasmine is different from many of the other Disney princesses in that she does not end up with a Prince. She smashes the fairy tale norm into little pieces and I like to think of myself as being different too. I have always been an indepent person and Jasmine is clearly one too. She goes off on her own to escape the pressures of living as royalty which is a big risk.
I too like to take risks. At my own graduation I told off my principal. If Jasimine had not taken that risk she would have never have met Aladin and we would not have this wonderful Disney story. I am also glad I took the risk of disagreeing with my high school principal. Just as not many people would marry a begger, not many people would stand up to a member of authority. I'm glad that I did, as it has made me a much for confident person.

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