Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Movie-Animal House
Animal House is a movie that parodies college life. It was made in 1978 and was one of the first films in the "gross-out" genre, movies with slapstick or distasteful humor. This genre is typically targeted at the 18-30 age range and appeals mostly to college students and teenagers. The main plot is about two freshmen, Larry and Kent, and their adventures with the Delta fraternity, based off of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity at Dartmouth College. It was produced on a very small budget and was not given high expectations, but instead became one of the highest grossing films of all time.
This movie relates into my subject in that it depicts some of the differences between fraternities, who are usually partly funded by the school. Obviously the Delta fraternity is much more run down than the Omega fraternity and the school pays less attention to them (unless they're in trouble). The movie also employs the three elements of ethos, pathos and logos. When the Delta fraternity takes in Kent and Larry, even though they are obviously losers, this displays ethos. The boys are down on their luck, but Delta takes them in. Boon and Katy's relationship is like roller coaster. They claim to be in love, but they are often fighting and then making up. The audience wants them to succeed, bringing out the pathos in the film. Finally, at the end of the movie, it is stated that Bluto, the laziest Delta of all, becomes a US senator. This displays logos in that you can party in school and still be somebody after. You learn more from your experiences than from your classes.

Art-The John Harvard statue
The John Harvard statue represents Harvard, one of the most elitist and expensive schools in the country. It is a tribute to John Harvard, the man the school is named after. It can appeal to any age group, but probably appeals the most to those who know the school or the Boston and Cambridge area. Ethos is displayed in the regalness of the statue. It is distinguished and sets a standard for the Harvard community. Seeing the statue could recover memories from past students, which is pathos. The logos of the statues is the most interesting. There are three facts about the statue and all are untrue. The statue does not accurately depict John Harvard; the artist based the work off of a student. John Harvard is also not the founder of the college, he simply donated a large amount of money. And the school was also founded in 1936, not 1938 as the statue says.

Song-College Kids by Relient K
College Kids is a song by the band Relient K aimed a young adults. The song describes through its lyrics the troubles of college students. Like, "I'm poor, I'm starving, I'm flat broke, I've got no cash to spend". The song relates to my subject with lyrics like "80 grand later I found that all that I had learned is that you should show up and take your finals and midterms", which is also logs. What the song is trying to say is that students spend a lot of money and in the long run it may not get you anywhere. Students come out of college in debt. The ethos and pathos elements are also displayed in the lyrics. Ethos is "do what will make God happy, do what you feel is right, only but one thing matters, learn how to live your life". "Call it torture, call it university, someone please save us" brings out some emotion with pathos.

Book-Fraternity a short story by Dan Chaon
This book portrays the aftermath in a fraternity, a college program, after their president, Cal, is injured in a car crash. It depicts the feelings the new president, Hap, has about losing his best friend and the fraternities leader. The audience is mostly college students or professors, but could also be read by a general audience. After Cal's incident, Hap takes over as president but he is not happy. He gets drunk almost every night and then starts to pretend he is drunk. He is unsure about where life is taking him and whether he is running the fraternity well. This is the ethos in the story. The pathos comes in when Hal and some of the other frat members go to visit Cal and his mother at their home. Cal has brain damage and is essentially "dead". He doesn't remember his friends. This also plays into the logos in that Cal is permanently damaged and cannot come back.

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