Thursday, November 20, 2008

Reading Reviews

My favorite reading this semester was the selection from The Bell Jar. I have always wanted to read this book, but have never gotten around to doing it. I think this reading appealed to me the most, because I have also always had an interest in crazy people. The heroine, Esther, is obviously somewhat crazy in that she desperatly wishes to lose her virginity. Yet she is not as crazy as some of her friends, one of which commits suicide. This reading made me think about why she was in the hospital at all and whether or not she would get out.

However I did not enjoy the selection from On The Road. It obviously didn't stike me in the heart because I don't really remember exactly what it was about. It didn't make much sense to be and I found it kinda of abstract. Which it was probably supposed to be abstract, but I didn't get what the underlying point was.

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